Friday, 28 November 2008

the wicked little atom oblique strategies

being a huge fan of Bowie and Eno,i have always been interested in the Oblique Strategies that they used during the Berlin era.since i could never afford a pack of the cards and also found that obliqueness is a pretty subjective thing i decided to tailor some to my needs.
And now i am going to publish them here,just for the laugh but also just in case someone gets blocked sometime ,they might come in slightly useful.

1.think notes,not chords
3.shift key
4.change mood
5.filter and delay
6.Stanley Kubrick details
8.go LO-FI
10.find the perfect unifying note
11.think film soundtrack
12.explore panning options
14.why did you start? this too much?
16.78 RPM
17.does it have immediate impact?if not,>
18.what would Tom Waits do? patient your ears your eyes
22.double tempo
23.think Kraftwerk
24.dancefloor politics
25.smear the atmosphere
27.turn the progression on it's head
28.lose the keyboards
30.sparse rhythm
31.what would Curtis Mayfield do?
32.deconstruct the original idea to it's shell
33.think minimal
34.what would the Rolling Stones do?
35.lose the majors
37.concentrate on the bass
39.what would the Beatles do? instrument and one effect
41.lose the minors
42.what would Bowie do?
43.alternative tunings do you feel?
46.gate the pattern
47.lose the guitars
48.aphex piano
49.what was the last record you listened to?
50.spliff and coffee
51.say STOP
52.go electronic
53.turn the rhythm on it's head
54.go soul it needed?
58.what would Wilco do?
59.process the rhythm
60.what would Lou Reed do?
61.cut up
63.switch parts to different instruments
64.first number in your head
66.double the part with another instrument
69.the 3 minute formula
70.four parts,four different numeric patterns
71.change time measure
72.half tempo
74.what would James Brown do?
76.Issac Hayes strings
77.sample the natural
78.think Burroughs
80.Hunter S. Thompson
83.count to ten
84.the B-movie angle
85.take four cards and combine
86.does it lose the initial groove?if so,>
87.treat the sound with two extreme effects
88.what would the Kilo do? drums
93.strangle the sound
94.what would Talking Heads do?
96.New York on one guitar
99.what would The Clash do?

obviously a lot of these aint that oblique at all and i don't really know what any of the mentioned artists would do but it's a good way of breaking the mental block for me anyway.
do with them what you will...........................

bombsville indeed

friday afternoon done come so here be a few updates from tigerland..........
our track thewisehand from the BMX ep is finished and is posted below.been a bit of a slow week on the mixing process because of indesicions and trying to put square pegs into circular holes and all that kind of jazz but it's all back on track now.
from this week on we begin our very own mix series-tracks we dig put together especially for your listening pleasure.check out for the first one on monday afternoon.
this weekend is set up to be another one full of long drives,grooms minus fingers and all the fun of the fair.
see you on the other side

Sunday, 23 November 2008

and why the hell not?.............................

the old visual fx on the jacksons here really remind me of the good old days of microdots,strawberrys,getafixs,mushrooms and all other tracer inducing fun stuff.

furthermore it's Neil Young night with The Barflies in the Pumphouse tonight and i am trying to learn thirty five minute solos right now .
hang tough

Saturday, 22 November 2008 they are.

so it's all starting to fall in to place.The ep is nearly finished but everytime i think its done something else comes along and i go back to the drawing board.nearly there though,and i have a feeling it may just be worth it.
the next collections of songs are falling into two pretty distinct categories-slow,mellow,stripped down late night stuff and other uptempo band-centric stuff.liking all of them a lot so i am just keeping going on all of them at the same time because they all seem to be bleeding interesting ideas into each other.
the Split Lip album is proving to be a real buzz and some of the tunes are going to blow people's socks off.
Captain Moonlight and The River Valley Band's albums are progressing very nicely and hopefully both will be completed fully by Christmas.
was fortunate enough to do the live sound for Glen Tillbrook from Squeeze last night.a lovely man and an incredible performer.
thats about it,don't ever deny where you come from people,
over and out.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Day By Day With The BMX Ep-the saga continues

lots done in the writing recording and mixing stakes this week.The Big Snare has been recording all over the place and Brian the Faceman made it down yesterday to throw his guitar through the space echo and have a few smokes.
Glasseye is now nearly finished so here is how it is sounding so far................

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Friday, 7 November 2008

Of Lippage,Tigers,History And Flu...........

Quite a week.
Obama restored a lot of people's faith in the idea of America,now all he has got to do is live up to his own hype.The Tallest order i can imagine but hopefully if he pulls off a fraction of his ideas it will make America a better place.
I have been struck down with an unrelenting flu and this has put paid to my plans on having the ep finished next week up in the air,however we carry on in earnest.
the writing for the second album proper is going very well.most of the music is done and it is lyrics week next week.
The Split Lip album is moving ahead full steam and should be finished for Christmas as will Captain Moonlight's new opus(favourite track right now is Don't Follow Through,you will know why soon).The River Valley Band's debut album is starting to take shape in the mixing stakes now.
Been diggin these guys this week.

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

D-Day across the pond

First,let's get this straight.
I love America and Americans.How can i not when they gave us rock n roll,soul,funk,techno(by way of Germany),alt-country,gospel,Lou Reed,Sparklehorse,Wilco,DFA,New York,Memphis and everything else in between ..............
but for eight years we have had war,recession,right wing policies and doctrines that have tarnished the world and itself in the worst ways possible.
If America votes Republican again i fear i will never visit there.
We will be up and about very late in TigerTowers tonight.